
Some nice words from clients

“These are honestly so incredible! Thank you - we are thrilled beyond words. I can’t believe you managed to get such lovely photos from two people that hate having their photos taken! It really is a testament to how relaxed and lovely the photo shoot was - thank you again!”

“Thank you so much, Kirsty! They are amazing images. We are all so happy with how they turned out and so grateful to you for your time, thoughtfulness and skill. I definitely think you captured the spunk and playfulness of J and G. The images really show their personalities. I'm thrilled!”

“Kirsty has the eye of an artist and the heart of a mother, and what a gift she’s given us.”

“They are amazing as I knew they would be! We are so very grateful to you for all you have done in the two photoshoots and are honestly blown away by your natural talent!”

“The photos are so gorgeous! The lighting is amazing! Thank you again!”

“You made us look like a respectable family, and one that even likes each other. Haha we were so blown away!”

“KIRSTY YOU’RE AMAZING! I love them so much! Thank you! We’ll sit down tonight and let you know our favourites, but holy cow that is going to be tricky! They’re honestly so beautiful… I can’t thank you enough!”